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Trend Forecast: 7 Email Marketing Trends to Expect in 2024

To ensure the continued patronage of your existing customers, it is crucial to maintain a strong connection with them. By keeping them engaged with your brand, you can confidently remain top of mind and secure their loyalty. Just like direct mail and its many strengths, emails can also be a great way to stay connected with your customer base.

Trend forecast: 7 email marketing trends to expect in 2024
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6 Ways Email Marketing Can Boost Your Customer Retention

Email marketing and direct mailing services in Toronto go hand in hand. Adding one to your marketing campaign is beneficial; adding both is a game-changer. At Troi Mailing Services, we help Canadian businesses optimize their direct mail marketing game.

Ways email marketing can boost your customer retention
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What’s An Interactive Mailer?

Although there’s an increasingly tech-savvy consumer base, studies show that people still like to receive informative and meaningful mail. But with many marketers trying to reach the same target audience with different messages, it helps to give your mail piece an edge that gets it noticed, opened, and acted upon.

What’s An Interactive Mailer?
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4 Advantages Of Direct Mail Over Email Marketing

Today, many consumer inboxes are filled with promotional emails from different companies. With such cluttered emails, it is nearly impossible to get your email noticed or opened. In fact, an unsolicited promotion is highly likely to end up in the trash folder and your mailing address put on the spam filter.

4 Advantages Of Direct Mail Over Email Marketing
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Direct Mail Vs. Email Marketing? Which Is Better For You?

When it comes to developing a marketing strategy, the bottom-line results of each approach are what matter most.

Direct Mail Vs. Email Marketing? Which Is Better For You?
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