Direct Mail Advertising

Direct Mail Advertising In Toronto

Direct Mail Advertising is the best way to connect directly with potential customers. A direct mail piece becomes more personal than a handout, more credible than a social media ad, more visually appealing than an email, and more comfortable than a phone call, making mail advertising the strongest tool for direct advertising available.

The Advantages of Advertising Mail Services

Direct mail advertising works! According to statistics collected by Canada Post:

  • 87% of Canadians will open mail addressed to them personally, and 94% will open mail from a company they know
  • 65% of people have made a purchase based on direct mail
  • 52% of redeemed coupons were received through mail advertising
  • 90% of companies say that direct mail is a great method to reach them for business-to-business sales opportunities

There are several reasons that direct mail is so effective. The first is that the letter is a tangible object. It shows a financial commitment by the advertiser, communicating that the recipient’s business is valued. A tangible object is also more likely to be considered. While emails can be deleted with a single click, or may even be caught in a spam trap, a letter needs to be physically put in the trash. Most people are hesitant to toss an envelope out without at least reading it. The third reason is that people like getting mail! Nobody likes an empty mailbox, and even mail from a company is better than no mail at all.

Mail Advertising Ideas

There are many ways to maximize on direct mail advertising. Direct mail is not only used to spread advertisements and notices, but also to deliver coupons, samples, gift cards, and even surveys. An assortment of direct mail products can increase brand recognition and awareness, and can help broaden trial rates with reduced risk towards your company’s target market.

Direct Mail Advertising as Part of a Campaign

Even with its clear advantages, direct mail advertising can be made even better by combining it with other techniques. The strong points of direct mail advertising: personalization, appeal, and reach work well when inserted into larger campaigns. Some businesses add personalization to an email campaign by direct mailing expanded content and additional offers directly to valued customers.

Other opportunities for integrating mail advertising into campaigns include:

  • QR codes on mailed materials to steer customers to your website
  • Unique URLs to personalize letters and better measure the impact of direct mail marketing
  • Mail-only and digital-only offers that will encourage customers to engage with all facets of your campaign

Time-Saving Advertising Mail Services

The downside of direct mail is that it takes a lot of man-hours: from compiling mailing lists, to designing mailing campaigns, to printing the materials, to analyzing the resulting data. Most businesses, even those with their own marketing departments, don’t have the time. That’s where we come in!

We take care of all the busywork necessary for direct mailing advertising campaign. We personally deal with the data and design, and our expert partners at Timeline Printing Inc. take care of the actual printing.


How can direct mail advertising benefit my business?

Direct mail advertising offers several benefits for businesses, including:

  • Targeted reach: You can select specific demographics or geographical areas to ensure your message reaches the right audience.
  • Tangible and memorable: Direct mail provides a physical piece that recipients can hold, increasing the chances of your message being remembered.
  • Personalization: You can personalize direct mail pieces with the recipient’s name or other relevant information, creating a more personalized experience.
  • Measurable results: Direct mail campaigns can be tracked and measured to evaluate their effectiveness and ROI.

How can you help me with designing my direct mail pieces?

Our team of skilled designers can work closely with you to create impactful direct mail designs. We take into account your brand identity, message, and goals to develop visually appealing and persuasive designs that effectively communicate your message to your target audience.

How do you ensure the accuracy of mailing and delivery?

We have a robust quality control process in place to ensure the accuracy of mailing and delivery. Our team cross-checks the addresses, verifies the postage, and carefully prepares the direct mail pieces for mailing. We work with trusted postal partners to ensure reliable delivery to the intended recipients.

How Can We Help You Today?

You all did a great job working with me on the project. Now that the sale is being opened up to the public we are shifting dollars into TV and digital. Glad to know I have a reliable, fast, competent and creative private mail team to call on when work arises for Tiger in Toronto.

David Flood Tiger Capital Group

When I was searching for a company to handle my mailers, Troi was the first company that came up. I contacted them and I’m glad that I did! I have worked with the Troi Mailing & Timeline Printing team (Peter and Ken) for a couple of years now.

Christina Patriarca DerKar Group of Companies

You and your team made it very easy for us and the reason that we kept coming back is because of the service, speed of delivery and the fact that you answer the phone!! Believe me it makes the biggest difference to be able to call and get a quick response.

Hareem Ahmed Merlan Scientific
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Posted by on 8 October 2024

Many direct mail advertising campaigns have a time-sensitive element. You need the mailers to be delivered by a certain date, so consumers know about an upcoming sale or event. Alternatively, you may want to increase brand awareness and recognition before your busy season...Read More

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Use Direct Mail to Enhance Your Advertising Campaigns
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