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Are Flyers Still Effective in 2024?

Whether your business is B2B or B2C, flyers deserve a place in your marketing strategy. After all, flyers are still incredibly effective marketing tools for Toronto businesses. We will explain how in this article. Yes! Flyers are still an effective way to advertise your business and promote your products or services in 2024.

Are flyers still effective in 2024?
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10 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Flyer Marketing

Looking for a budget-friendly way to boost sales? Flyers are a versatile, affordable, and effective way to market your small business.  Even in today's digital world, flyer marketing is a powerful tool to get customers through your doors. Yet, only if it is used effectively. Advertising can be costly.

10 reasons why small businesses should invest in flyer marketing
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11 Tips to Elevate Your Flyer Designs

Flyers are a fantastic form of direct mail. However, their success hinges on good design and clear messaging. Elevating your flyer design ensures that your flyers will not be overlooked in the mailbox.

Tips to elevate your flyer designs
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What Type of Paper Is Used for Flyer Printing?

So you’ve worked hard on a great design for your flyer, but did you know that the type of paper you use for printing is just as important? Printing flyers might sound like a straightforward process, but it can be difficult to make the right choice when it comes to the type, size, and finish for your perfect flyer.

Type of Paper Used for Flyer Printing
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Flyer Advertising: How to Track Your Return on Investment (ROI)

If you’ve invested your time and money into a direct mail project, it’s no surprise that you want to see the fruits of your labour and quantify it however possible. That is where the concept of ‘Return on Investment’ — or ‘ROI’ — comes into play.  ROI is a measure of performance. It evaluates the efficiency of an investment.

Flyer advertising: How to track your return on investment (ROI)
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