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5 Reasons Geo-targeting Has A High ROI In Direct Mail Campaigns

Market segmentation targets based on geographic, demographic, and behavioural data. It’s a strategy that marketers use to attract those most likely to convert. It also requires you to customize marketing content that appeals to recipients on a personal level.

 Geo-targeted Direct Mail Campaigns

Direct mail campaigns are a great chance to use personalization because it’s marketing they can hold. This involves tailoring content to address the specific needs of the target audience.

Here are 5 reasons why geo-targeting can improve your direct mail campaigns:

  1. Makes your brand visible

    The success of direct mail hinges on attracting the attention of the recipient. For example, with a colourful envelope. This is why mailing a targeted audience is a great way to make your brand memorable.

  2. Introduces you to the community

    Geo-targeting ensures recipients are relevant for your goods and/or services based on proximity to your business.

  3. Cost-effective

    Creating multiple mail samples and blasting them out to everyone on your mailing list is expensive and an inefficient way of promoting your brand. This approach can be particularly costly if you wish to send free gifts or promotional items to your clients and prospects. With geo-targeting, you make the most of every piece of mail sent.

  4. Efficient

    With geo-targeting, you can be selective about the people you target. It helps to segment your direct mail campaign into stages depending on the number of recipients who respond. For instance, your first mail piece can be promotional content about your products or services. Those who respond to your call to action can then receive a catalogue or product sample in the second mail piece.

  5. Higher conversion rate

    An effective direct mail campaign is one that targets past customers and leads for the highest ROI. It gives you two streams to maximize sales and also provides you with valuable sales data on how to use geo-targeting in your next campaign.

    Want to learn more about what direct mail campaigns can do for your business? Call Troi Mailing Services today at 1-866-486-0423 or contact us here.

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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