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Why Timing Is Crucial For Your Direct Mail Campaigns

A new survey commissioned by GI Direct reveals that 66 per cent of direct mail recipients are more likely to respond if the piece arrives at the right time, compared to 33 per cent whose response is dependent on design and personalization.

Direct Mailing 101

Other statistics indicate that:

  • Male recipients are more influenced by the direct mail piece timing compared to their female counterparts – 68 per cent versus 64 per cent
  • Recipients in towns and urban centres are the least impressed by presentation and design, with only 24 per cent claiming they were influenced by a highly polished piece

Marketers need to be attentive when it comes to striking a healthy balance between personalization and timing. Obviously, the mail piece must be demographically relevant and relatable. But identifying the triggers and times when targets are most likely to respond can have a huge impact on the buyer’s purchasing decision.

Work Backwards When Choosing Your Delivery Date

The first step is to pick a day/date when you want the mail piece to arrive at the recipient’s home. With a set date in mind, you can then liaise with your preferred mailing company to pick a date for starting the drop.

Factors to consider when choosing a delivery date include:

  • The typical processing time for the direct mail service provider – How long it takes from the time of submitting your order to getting it printed and ready for delivery.
  • Size and popularity of the service provider – You cannot assume that your timing is unique to your industry or region. A credible service provider will definitely have other clients to work with. So you need to know your position in the queue and reserve early.
  • Mailing times – The class of shipping used has a huge effect on the delivery times. For instance, the cheaper standard/bulk mail postage may take up to three weeks to get your cards in the mail.
  • ‘Murphy’s Law’ – Give yourself some extra time for human errors and any unexpected events that may derail your direct mailing campaign.

Knowing the delivery date will also ensure that your team is prepared when the responses begin to trickle in.

Plan Your Follow-Ups As Well

Consistency yields the best results. Keep in mind that people are busy and forgetful. Sequential direct mailings spaced at 3 or 4 weeks intervals increase your chances of getting the timing right. Use personalised customer data to ensure that your mail pieces arrive at the best time – this means watching industry trends, using rewards when approaching subscription renewals, and been on the lookout for milestones that trigger purchases, such as buying a new home or having a baby.

Interested in adding direct mail marketing to your advertising mix? Please call our Toronto mailing house at 1-866-486-0423. Troi spells success, one letter at a time!

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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