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Restaurant Mailings in Toronto – How Commercial Printing & Direct Mail Services Work for Food


Troi Mailing Services has one simple question for the week…

What’s for dinner?

Today marks the last Friday before Christmas–which means that Christmas-doers worldwide are scrambling to knock off their wish lists and string up those garlands. Holiday parcels are on their way, and Christmas cards have already started hitting homes. Just like everybody else, the direct mail industry gets wonderfully busy during this peak festive season.

Yet, despite having little time for anything, the question hasn’t gone away… What’s for dinner?

Most people prefer not to make dinner on a busy Friday evening. So what’s there to order? What’s good and fast? What’s in the drawer?

Let’s funnel these looming thoughts into an assessment: How have restaurants used direct mail to retain local business and acquire new customers?

If you are a restaurant owner, you probably have some extra menus lying around (or at least the creative files from your graphic designer).

Perhaps you’ve even been thinking about printing new menus to shake up your brand.

Direct mailing campaigns for restaurants can be highly rewarding. Using Canada Post data and targeting strategies, restaurateurs can target geographies with specific demographics. For example, if a doughnut shop wants to send out a baker’s dozen discount for large families who own single-detached houses in Forest Hill, postal data tools can make it happen. You can even focus on building construction periods, cultural backgrounds, gender, household income, age, occupation, and much more.

Ultimately, direct mailing towards the right demographic at the right time will keep your brand in the customers’ hands. Designing an enticing menu or direct mail promotion with special offers and tearaway coupons will also help maximize response.

If you’d like to have your business chosen from the drawer on a busy Friday night, please call our mailing house at 1-866-486-0423 for your unique direct mail targeting report!

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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