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3 Ways to Measure the Success of Your Postcard Marketing Campaign

Direct mail campaigns, including postcard marketing campaigns, have some of the highest returns on investment in the marketing world. But how do you determine your campaign’s ROI? And once you have that number, what do you do if it’s lower than you had hoped?

3 ways to measure the success of your postcard marketing campaign
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Direct Mail Copywriting: Crafting Persuasive Messages

Creating a highly effective direct mail advertising piece involves many factors. The printing needs to be professional. Images must be sharp and vibrant. Plus, the design needs to be engaging and eye-catching. But what about the message written inside?

Direct mail copywriting: crafting persuasive messages
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How to Bolster Your Direct Mail Marketing Strategy in 2024

Do you want to improve your direct mail marketing strategies in 2024? Direct mail remains one of the most effective marketing channels for enhancing brand recognition, converting new customers, and deepening loyalty among existing customers.  However, many companies struggle to unlock the full potential of their direct mail campaigns.

How to bolster your direct mail marketing strategy in 2024
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The Psychology of Print: How Colours and Typography Impact Your...

Are you utilizing colour and font psychology in your branding and direct mail campaigns? If not, it’s time to start doing so. Your colour and typeface choices are hugely significant, influencing audience perception, behaviour, and action.  With the right colour or font, your commercial print marketing campaign will be on the path to success.

The psychology of print: How colours and typography impact your audience
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Postcards vs. Letters: Which One Should You Choose for Your Business?

Both postcards and letters are powerful forms of direct mail. However, they have different strengths. This article will examine the benefits of postcards and how they can help your business. We will also look at letters, their advantages, and when you should use them.

Postcards vs. Letters: Which one should you choose for your business?
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