How Direct Mail Flyers Can Elevate Your Business
Advertising and marketing are essential tools for promoting consumer goods, events, or services. We may not even realize the magnitude to which we are bombarded by mass advertising on a daily basis. Individuals who work in marketing and advertising understand the techniques and how to utilize them to create impactful advertisements that reach their target audience. There are numerous platforms for advertising, especially when we consider the undeniable impact of social media on our daily lives.
With so much of our lives spent in contact with the virtual world, we sometimes forget the physical forms of advertising, including flyers. Flyers are an excellent way for new and established businesses to advertise their products, sales, events, or services directly to consumers and households. This form of advertising is still in use today as it is effective and continues to prove its worth. Here, we will help you learn why and how direct mail flyers can be an excellent, cost-effective way to promote your business.
- Location, location, location. Once an effective flyer has been designed, it can be placed almost anywhere. The location you choose for your flyers can heavily determine both the type and number of people who will see them. You can strategically place or mail your flyers in locations based on your target audience or simply based on the number of visitors to a certain location.
- Local shops and offices. Placing your flyers in local shops and offices is one of the most traditional ways to get them out there for everyone to see. Locations such as doctor or dental offices or hairdressers usually have waiting areas that allow time for people’s eyes to wander and come across your flyer. You can also target a large number of different people by placing your flyer in local shops. Just make sure you obtain permission from the owner before you place your flyers there. You could even offer to display their flyers and advertise their business at your event in exchange for their help.
- Cost-effective and simple marketing. There are many different forms of advertising, and each of their costs can vary. When compared to other forms of advertising, flyers are extremely cost-effective. Flyers can be printed at very affordable rates using litho printing. In fact, it may be more cost-effective to print your flyers in bulk and save a portion of them to be mailed in the future. Flyers are very simple to understand, and when they’re created using a good outline and colours, they can be eye-catching and a quality tool for direct mail advertising.
- They get to the point. Flyers are excellent ways to condense any and all important information so that readers can understand what’s being offered, the price, and the contact information. Flyers can include the respective names, addresses, phone numbers, and websites so potential customers can contact you easily. In order to help draw immediate attention to your flyer, a catchy headline, visual elements, and your brand’s logo should be used. You can utilize the end of your flyer as a “call to action,” letting your readers know the next steps they can take.
- Flyers are tangible. Most businesses have a website or Facebook page for their customers, and with our huge reliance on technology, these platforms may seem like enough for advertising. However, it may come as a surprise that some people don’t take much notice of things that are not physically in front of them. This is where the use of flyers for direct mail marketing comes in. We’re bombarded daily by messages, images, and information that we aren’t even able to process at times. For this reason, our attention spans have become shorter. In this modern world, a tangible form of direct advertising, like flyers, is one of the most effective ways to put a message in front of your audience that can be held, read, and saved.
- Catering to offline customers. The technological world has progressed by leaps and bounds in such a short time; it’s almost hard to believe there was ever a time when the “World Wide Web” wasn’t as accessible as it is today. This being said, there is a large customer base that remains mainly offline and doesn’t necessarily spend any significant portion of their day using online services. Does this mean that your offline customers cannot be reached? Of course not! This is where flyer mailings come in; they can significantly add value to your business, allowing you to have greater coverage and reach more people. Marketing through online sources is not always effective. For example, emails can be deleted even before being read, and the delivery of your advertisements can be affected by a slow Internet connection. Flyers are not impeded by any of these obstacles. Instead, they’re tangible and force their readers to at least skim the material before discarding, which is why they remain an excellent way to help market and elevate your business.
- Trial and error. One of the benefits of using flyers to promote your business is the ability to measure their success. When you produce a direct mail flyer and distribute it, you can start to get a sense of how effective it is and the impact it’s making on your audience and business. Use a specific promo code for tracking the campaign. This feedback allows you to react accordingly and possibly tweak your flyer or its areas of distribution to help its promotional abilities and attract more potential customers in future.
Every business, event, or service must advertise who they are and what they have to offer to get the attention of their target audience. There are numerous platforms used for advertising and marketing, each with their strengths and limitations. Yet even with the impact of social media and technology on the world of advertising, traditional flyers and direct mailings have remained a highly effective marketing strategy.
At Troi Mailing Services, we want to help you advertise your products or services. We offer high quality printing and effective mailing services so your flyers reach the intended and ideal prospects. Call Troi Mailing Services in Toronto today at 1-866-486-9350 to speak to one of our printing service managers, or visit our website here to learn more about our services.
About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.
You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster“
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- Brochures
- Direct Mail Campaign
- Direct Mail Flyer
- Direct Mail Marketing
- Direct Mailing
- Direct Marketing
- Drone Delivery
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- Flyer
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